Mastermind’s keynotes, trainings, workshops, and articles are backed by research.

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Mastermind’s keynotes, trainings, workshops, and articles are backed by research. 

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We often cite the following sources, organized by topic.

Whenever possible we cite primary source articles and books, and occasionally use secondary sources from reputable outlets. While we acknowledge that best practices include focusing on research that is less than ten years old, we do include several earlier seminal mindfulness research studies on this list. While initial research into these topics is promising, in most cases more research and/or replicating this research is needed to verify these benefits/results.

Burnout Prevention

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Mental Health & Pain Management

Brain Health & Positive Neuroplasticity

Emotional Intelligence

Stress Management & Resilience

Sleep & Relaxation


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Connection & Compassion

Movement: Exercise, Yoga & Qigong

Cognition, Memory and Focus

Physical Health: Inflammation, Immunity, Chronic Disease & Cellular Health, Cardiovascular Health

Nutrition & Mindful Eating

Mindful Technology Use


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